All Manner of Plugs: Issue 23 (3.21.2011)
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a weekly informing and recommending email
Written by J.S. Lewis
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Thanks for clicking this open and now thanks for starting to read. This is the 23rd helping of AllMoPs! There have been some changes to the program. For one thing, The Film Tome Report and Gamerain are no longer to be found in this email. They still exist and are now better than ever (including pictures). I will provide links to them in each issue. In fact, here you are: The Film Tome Report: Issue 23 and Gamerain: Drop 23. The rest of AllMoPs is the same as always and can be found below. Enjoy!
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This has been on YouTube for five years? I don't know how I went so long without seeing it until now. Special thanks to members of VGAME for showing me this. I do not know how this video came to be, why Hasselhoff agreed to it, or why more people don't watch it on a daily basis. It is one of the most entertaining MVs I know of.
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The Hollywood Reporter announces "Hollywood's 10 Most Stupid Tweets."
Yesterday Cracked published "6 Insane Uses of Animals in Wartime (That Actually Worked)." A friend and I actually did a presentation on this topic last year in our Chinese class (learning how to say "incendiary monkeys" in another language has blessed my life). What did I learn? Genghis Kahn is a brilliant strategist. Also, see the related article entitled, "7 Insane Military Attempts To Weaponize Animals."
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I will let the title of the article speak for itself: "Woman Goes to Court with a Monkey in Her Bra."
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March 2: A student reported being told to sit down at the basketball game. He did not comply and he was grabbed and hit in the face.
Criminal Mischief
March 4: Microwaves from Helaman Halls were moved into the hall lounge, where someone destroyed them by running food in them for a considerable amount of time. When officers responded they found the ruined microwaves along with charred remains of a burrito. Police said this has already happened twice in Helaman Halls, and investigation is pending.
Suspicious Behavior
Feb. 18: A writing center employee reported a male student often comes to the center to receive help with sexually explicit stories he has written. The male also pushes to spend an hour with tutors even though most students are only allowed 30 minutes. The writing center is taking action while police are monitoring the situation.
March 2: Officers received a report of a van with fogged windows and seats removed from the vehicle. The caller suspected lewd acts were being committed in the van. Upon arrival, the officers discovered 10 fully-clothed individuals watching a movie.
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This is one of the funniest videos I have ever seen. Well made!
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Unestimated chinchillas! If you have any comments, questions, requests, complaints or threats please let your voice be heard by If you wish to be removed from the AllMoPs send-list, let me know. If you wish to add someone, let me know. Remember, all previous AllMoPs are available at my blog, All Manner of Posts. Have a merry week and thanks for plugging in!
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